Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Why I Freedive and Why You Should, too!

"Freediving is breath hold diving, being in and under the water 
whilst holding one's breath." (

That's probably the simplest explanation I found on Google. In freediving, I only rely on my ability to hold my breath for a couple of seconds or minutes, to explore the beauty underwater. Unlike scuba diving, which needs a lot of gears, in freediving, only my mask, snorkel and fins are essential. 

Personally, I wanted to learn freediving because I want to conquer my fear of the deep. I used to back down whenever I know my feet doesn't feel anything underneath but water; when the sand is nowhere near my reach anymore. I fear the unknown, of what could possibly be hiding in the waters. I thought, since I have conquered quite a number of heights already, why not conquer the depths this time, right? 

Currently, I am already well invested in this sport/ hobby, in terms of knowledge-sharing and gears. Haha! #MedyoMagastosBesPeroWorthIt Then, I realized there's a lot more to love in freediving - even more than what I was expecting before I even started. 

5 Reasons Why You Should Start Freediving

A breath of fresh air 

The mountains are already crowded. Almost everyone I know are hiking. Why not try to explore the deep? Only a few braved their way underwater. Believe me, it's five times fulfilling to see the fish and the corals up close. Well, with a proper amount of distance, of course. Ship wrecks, airplane wrecks, colorful creatures and whatnot - I swear, it's a whole new world down there.

Say goodbye to life vests 

You'll realized how annoying life vests are because they restrict you every move. You wont' be able to dive because it will keep you afloat. Honestly, with freediving you'll soon want to ditch those bulky vests in exchange for fins. Haha! #likeapro

 Yep, squad goals!

Meet amazing people

One of the things that probably helped me decide to continue freediving is the company I have. I always get to see new faces and meet new people, and it's always a new experience. At sea, everyone is treated equally. I've met a lot of professionals who do freediving and they are generous enough to share their services for free. 

Just recently, we had our nose and ears checked by an ENT diver, free of charge. Yes, that's how cool the freediving community is. 

Learn a different way of relaxation

Underwater is definitely the best way to shut all the noise from the world even just for a minute. In freediving, if you aren't relaxed enough, it's not advisable for you to dive. It's important to do proper breathing exercises first. Forget about your angry boss or the never-ending traffic, just think about the now - the calm sea, your safety buddy, the stillness, and the salty breeze.

Discover your hidden superhuman ability

Could you even imagine not breathing for a solid minute or two? Your capacity to hold your breath will surely be put to test in freediving. You will learn how to equalize properly to reach certain depths which none of your friends have done. (Friends who don't freedive, that is.)

I am honestly still afraid whenever I don't see the bottom, but closing my eyes, relaxing for a few minutes, going down the line (rope) and letting my body take the lead, I slowly conquered my fear of the deep. They say practice makes perfect, right? So, I'll probably keep on diving.

Now, I can comfortably cruise with my new found friends.

 Oslob Whale Shark Watching
(Credits to Kuyang Bangkero)
Sardines Run
(Credits to Sir Raymund)
Credits to Marlowe for this awesome shot.
#NeverDiveAlone #VerticalFreedivers #OneBreath #FreedivingCoachesOfAsia

If you want to learn this amazing skill in braving the open water, the VERTICAL FREEDIVERS offer introduction and rescue lessons for freediving. 

Check our FB page for our upcoming events.
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Tune in for my upcoming South Cebu detailed post. For now, here's my #FINVENTURE video.

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